Hey up!

I’m Laura.

Why bet on me? 


Because I was the wobbly Legs 11 that lacked purpose and drive, hence the bingo-inspired platform name! As you can see, in 2009, I dressed up as a bingo ball and after paper mache-ing a balloon for days, I remember feeling like I was living my best life against the backdrop of tropical Queensland. How wrong was I? All the good stuff was yet to come...

In 2015, my husband introduced me to photography and I'll be honest, it took a while to gather pace, but once I understood what it could offer me, there was no going back. The sheer joy of slowing down and savouring moments made me appreciate my life. The self-belief that soon showed up transformed my craft, my mental health and enabled me to take bigger strides in life. Once I started teaching photography, it became clear that both craft and confidence are directly linked. You get good at one thing and it filters out to the rest of your life, hence the creation of Lens Eleven. 

There are no limits except the ones we give ourselves. It's time to get out of your own way because there's so much good shit on the other side of fear! 

Meet the amazing women that slick up this machine!

They're all previous clubbers and we'll only ever recruit from within where possible...

Meet Faye // Photographer & Feedback Queen

Faye should've been a bird because she spends more time outside than in! She has over .... years experience as a photographer and knows a genre or 10! She's talented, enthusiastic and the perfect fit for Lens Eleven. She's been in your position having completed the Next Level course and understands the benefit of fair, fun feedback with some points to work towards. She'll be joining us on the new platform for the April & May courses. Give her some love...


Meet Julia // Community Champion

Meet Julia, the multi-talented psychologist and photographer (following the Lens11 courses!) Based in Hamburg, her ultimate state of bliss involves plunging into wild, cold lakes—naked! Julia has a remarkable ability to see the best in people, except on day 22 of her cycle when she humorously admits she doesn't particularly like anyone! 

Fuelled by a deep fascination of the human mind, Julia has become an expert in unlocking potential. Her work as a  psychologist enables her to guide, support and uplift those around her, encouraging everyone to shine bright and live their best lives! 


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