Meet Feature Fortnight Winner #02 - Jane Nicholson

Jun 10, 2022

Every fortnight at The Full House Club, we hold a photography challenge that all members can get involved in. The  latest theme was LIGHT IN THE HOME and after some mighty consideration, we decided that the worthy winner was Jane Nicholson. Here is Jane's story in her words and images...

1) Tell us about you...

I live in London with my husband and three children. My parents are from Mauritius and so I spent many holidays as a child visiting grandparents there. I didn't appreciate how lucky I was at the time! Living in London, and having Mauritian heritage, I find myself craving the sea and sand, so whenever we visit my husband's family in Scotland we like to spend a lot of time by the coast.

Growing up I never considered myself particularly creative, which is somewhat reinforced by my current job as a chartered accountant. Looking back though, I've always had at least one project on the go, be that sewing, knitting, scrapbooking, DIY. I suppose the creative sparks have always been there, but it’s only now that I’ve become conscious of them.

2) What got you into photography? 

My two younger brothers and I have grown up with my parents taking many photos and videos of our holidays and days out. They passed that love of documenting memories onto me and I have always loved taking photographs. My dad gave me his Canon AE-1 SLR in 2005, which I thought was the most beautiful piece of kit, I still do; almost too beautiful to use! Shortly afterwards I bought my first DSLR. 

Back then I loved documenting life, much like a tourist would, snapping away at anything in front of me to create memories to look back on. A year ago marks the start of my love for photography, the art form, when I learnt to shoot in manual mode. Laura's courses have been a real turning point and were a trigger for me to start using photography as a creative outlet. 

3) What do you love most about photography and how does it benefit your life?  

I think my perspective is best summarised by this Elliott Erwitt quote, "Photography is an art of observation. It has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.”

Photography has changed the way I see things. Even everyday life and familiar scenes I now see through pattern, texture, colour and shape. What’s amazing is that my family (even my husband who used to show no interest in photography whatsoever) have started pointing out details like dew drops and steam, and call me to bring my camera! 

Above everything I love taking photos of my family and extended family, in particular trying to capture the connections and relationships. Throw in some beautiful light and shadows and I couldn't be happier. 

One unexpected thing that I love about photography is that, for the first time in a long time, I’m doing something that’s just for me and that gives me a real sense of purpose. I love that this process has turned into a journey of self discovery and development. Laura and the Lens Eleven community have given me the confidence to take risks whilst finding out more about myself and what I love. I love creating photos, I love learning different techniques, and I love finding original ways to capture the everyday.

4) What three words describe your style?

I love experimenting and trying new things and so I feel like my style is continually evolving. Right now, I would describe it as emotive, creative and candid.

5) What inspires you in the everyday that you inject into your imagery? 

Light. Light inspires me, and the way it can highlight and transform everyday objects, scenes and people. Some of my favourite photos that I have taken are those everyday scenes at home and in places we have been to many times, but against a backdrop of beautiful light, which Laura’s courses have helped me to capture. 

I am also inspired by my children's connection with each other. I love capturing how they interact, and especially the love between them and their cousins in Scotland. Even though they live far apart and don’t see each other often they have such a powerful bond. It’s such a joy to witness.

6) What tips would you share to get the best pictures?

My biggest tip is to shoot as often as possible, create, experiment and embrace imperfection. Don’t be afraid to share your work either, as sometimes others see things in your photos that you didn’t notice yourself. That’s why being a part of such a supportive community has been vital to my growth as a photographer - it’s pushed me to find my creative voice, to be inspired, and continue to take risks and learn.

Up until recently I would just shoot the scene in front of me. Now I try to think about what I'm trying to capture and how I can show it off in the best light/angle or from a different perspective to highlight the story.  

7) In what capacity will photography feature in your future?

In a few months time, I will be taking a sabbatical from my current job. I look forward to spending more time with the family, but it will also give me the opportunity to explore new areas of photography and absorb all the information I can. I will also take my dad's SLR for a spin and reacquaint myself with film photography. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be able to create and learn. 

It means a lot to win Feature Fortnight, especially for the "Light in the home" category, as a year ago I never even noticed the light in my home. Thank you Laura for literally helping me to see the light!


You can find Jane's instagram here 

If you're a photographer at any level (beginner or pro), you can find all the details about joining The Full House Club here